Common questions

Why choose Larivière & Massicotte pharmacy?

When you trust our pharmacy, you trust a team of dedicated professionals with in-depth expertise when it comes to managing complex treatments, specifically in oncology and rare diseases. Our commitment to our patients goes beyond providing medications. We offer quick access to specialty drugs, personalized assistance with insurance claims, proactive prescription renewal, and close supervision of therapy. Our patient-focused approach, seamless collaboration with healthcare providers, and high-quality service make us a reliable partner you can count on at every stage of your journey. Your health and well-being are at the very heart of our practice.

How can I change the website language?

Simply click on EN/FR next to the planet icon in the submenu. The website is accessible in English and French.

What are the pharmacy's operating hours?

The Larivière et Massicotte pharmacy is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Any request received after these hours will be answered on the next business day.

Can I have a file at two pharmacies at the same time?

Yes, you can choose to transfer only some of your medications to us. Thanks to Quebec Health Record, all pharmacists across the province have access to your prescription file, regardless of which pharmacy. This way, your file is sure to be thoroughly analyzed.

How can I find out if a drug is available?

We have a wide variety of rare and complex pharmaceuticals that are always in stock and available for delivery. Call us to let us know how we can best assist you.

Contact us

How can I transfer my prescriptions to your pharmacy?

We make it easy for you: call us or write to us directly and we’ll open a file for you. We’ll then contact your other pharmacy to get your prescription sent over. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us, and we’ll take care of the rest

Contact us

How does the Larivière et Massicotte pharmacy protect the security and confidentiality of its customers' information?

Our entire team has been trained to handle our customers’ confidential information with the utmost professionalism. Protecting your private data is always a priority for us. For further details, please review our Privacy Policy.

Privacy policy

What types of specialty drugs do you offer?

We have dedicated over 15 years to the field of specialty drugs. Our expertise covers a wide range of diseases in oncology, pulmonology, neurology, rheumatology, dermatology, and gastroenterology. We can facilitate access to nearly any specialized treatment you may need. Don’t hesitate to reach out and let us help you.

Contact us

How can I get in touch with a pharmacist or a member of your team?

You can easily reach the Larivière et Massicotte pharmacy in a variety of ways:

  • By email at
  • By phone at 1-888-723-7667
  • Via the contact form on our website

You can send us your prescriptions:

  • By fax at 1-877-723-0152
  • By mail to one of our branches
Contact us

How much do your specialized services cost?

All our services, including medication delivery, are covered by your insurance. You only pay the amount your insurance does not cover, which is your annual deductible.

Can you help me get financial resources to cover the cost of my medication?

Patient support programs may be available to you, according to the nature of your specialty medication. These usually include a financial assistance program. Some foundations and associations may also be able to help you pay for your treatment. Our services also include handling claims and financial assistance when we supply your medication.

Can you deliver my medication directly to my home?

With two branches, in Montreal and Quebec City respectively, you’ll get your prescription delivered to your doorstep wherever you are in the province. Enjoy our safe and reliable medication delivery service at no cost to you.

How long does delivery take?

Deliveries usually take up to 24 working hours.

What payment methods do you accept?

Payments can be made by credit card or cheque.

Trust our specialized services for your treatment